IntroducingWnesny Mobile App

wnesny application is a specialized electronic window that displays events, activities, programs, entertainment, sports, educational services, and appropriate volunteer events related to children and youth. community for these appropriate and meaningful activities directed at children.

Categorized Home Screen

Easy reading

Easy to read the data with categorized sections.

Scroll to show more

The ability to view the full history of category by scroll right or left.


You can filter your events depending on it's category or date range

Super Elegant Side Menu

Events notifications

Be updated with latest news before anyone else

Multi language

You can change language from arabic to english

Easy to access

You can access almost everything from the side menu

Easily Find All Events

Add to calender

When you like to go, don't miss it, just add event to your calender


Every event has it's own timestamp to easily know when it will start

Filter By Date

You can filter your events depending on it's category or date range